Saturday, 18 May 2019

Day 15 - at sea

Yes...another day at rest up from two exhausting port days. 

Today so much planned. Eating. Walking around the deck. Eating. Walking around the deck. Reading. Napping. All leading up to...

Eating! Tonight is a pairing dinner, starting at 6:30pm. 

Tomorrow, we arrive at Juneau at 1pm. We were told today, we pick up our pilot at 5am. Must be a very long approach to Juneau. The whole thing will be done in daylight. 

We have an excursion planned (kayaking). Hopefully, we’ll stay dry. 


On our way to Juneau

Still wending our way to Juneau...I can see why we needed a pilot so early in the approach. The route is full of twists and turns. Wouldn’t want to be a first timer! Haven’t seen a  single channel marker...saw whales at breakfast. Perhaps we are following them?

I haven’t mentioned that we have a butler (Edgar) and assistant butler (Renie). They look after us VERY well. I suspect Gina & I are the first out of our cabin each morning.  They are positioned down the hall, waiting patiently for guests to leave their rooms & go to breakfast, such that they can get busy & put the room back in order. The obvious: Beds, towels & basic straightening. all the glasses & china used in the bar, re-stock the fridge (complimentary beverages, ice bucket) and clean the windows. I know more gets done (dusting the baseboards), as I have walked in unexpectedly while the cleaning is taking place. 

In addition, we have the choice (beyond complimentary beer in fridge) of alcoholic beverages...booze or wine. We opt for wine. Any time a bottle is empty...or gets close to being empty, we are asked if we would like it replaced or would like something else. Usually, this is asked when we are brought our daily hors d’ouevres...anywhere from 4-5:30pm. 

Last night, after our nibbles were brought (and were asked if we required replenishing...yes...just to be on the safe side), Edgar came back. 

He said that Renie had been looking ahead & that I was staying aboard & Miss Gina was leaving us. Renie noticed that the passenger joining me had a different last name. Did I know the person joining me in the room? 

Odd question.

Yes, I know her. She’s my sister. But...why wouldn’t I know the person joining me?

Apparently, they have been in the room when two people are introducing themselves, having just arrived & meeting for the first time. 

Who knew? I pity the poor person who ends up with me & my snoring! Best that I just inflict that on family.

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